Software Best Practices -- or Pipe Dream Novelties

I make no apologies for asking people to unplug their computers, stack them in their basements or garages and leave them alone. Because there's way too much junk tech making it to market.

I know there have been a lot of tremendously innovative and pivotal technologies developed in the last fifteen years...and there's been a lot of money wasted on junk programming too.

Before any feature goes into any application, it ought to be well-written, bullet proof, sound, secure, as lean as possible and agile enough for gradual amendments and improvements. In fact, until you adopt that concept, I’ll keep my money.

The reasons features are released so fast & furious -- before a rock-solid proof of performance is demonstrated -- I'll never understand. It's bad business because it makes people not like your products. Write programs one module at a time, then invite anyone to try their damndest to break them. Write applications that break them.

Here are two dirty little secrets:
1) Decision-makers know that well-written software doesn't need to be upgraded or reversioned every year.
2) The Cardinal Sin is letting any technology, computer program or operating system leave the warehouse with bloating or security or functional flaws.

I’ve just outlined why we need the Open Source community and the products developed by it: flaws are exposed, discussed, shared and fixed. Now, if more developers would learn to operate in this transparent environment, they will have happier customers willing to spend more money with them.

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