"Reliable service from a company you can trust"

Or words to that effect.

A few weeks ago, I ordered Qwest DSL because I heard that the service recently came to my neighborhood. I'd used it in the past, but because I moved to a DSL-free zone, I had to use the cable company. If I'd been at all impressed with the service provided by the cable company's high-speed Internet, the thought would not have crossed my mind. But I wasn't. So, on with my Qwest tale.

For most of the time I've been using Qwest DSL, Qwest DSL has been experience outages on my DSLAM, the point that marries the phone company with the neighborhood's digital lines. Not two or three outages either, and not over a period of days. No. Dozens over several weeks.

Like many consumers, I've become complacent about poor customer service. It seems my objections fall on deaf ears anyway, so why bother. I'll take what I can get at this point because most companies suck anyway.

But today I was presented a banner ad for one of Qwest's offerings. Rather out of a sense of indignance, I clicked the banner, which lead me to a promo page touting what the subect line of my post reads: "Reliable service from a company you can trust".

Right on! Believe it!

I wouldn't be writing this right now if I'd not given the phone company a chance to hear my gripe, so I sent off a contact form. But because ma & pa don't work at ma bell anymore, I don't expect one of their flunkies will care enough to return the love.

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