
Showing posts from December 7, 2003

Grip this, Tom Ridge

I read a poster once that said essentially we learn most of everything we need to know while in kindergarten.  Much of it important even as adults.  It's still a good idea to hold hands while crossing the street; not stealing and generally obeying the rules.  I'm more than a little concerned that our society has forgotten the most fundamental of these rules. Dennis Miller may have said it best, and I'm paraphrasing, "We encourage immigrants to come to the US.  Just sign the guest book on your way in".  He's exactly right, in a euphemistic sort of way. I really want to know who thinks we shouldn't have immigration standards in this country, then enforce them.  Not liking laws has never been a good reason to break them.  I know I'm not alone in thinking there's a much closer relationship to 9-11 with border security than with Saddam's Iraq.  So where is there wiggle room?  Obey the laws.  If you disagree with the laws, lobby to have t