
Showing posts from April 25, 2021

Rights of the accused in Iowa

I want to tell a story of a police encounter I had almost 3 years ago in which was arrested and that shook me to the core of my beliefs about the institution police in America. But I think I should start with a little background into freedom & liberty as I see it in my state. I was in the military and swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, very similar to a police officer's oath of office. My basic understanding of the Bill of Rights then was something that protected people on US soil so we are free to live and conduct ourselves as we see fit, generally unhampered by government intrusion. Taxes and speed limits aside, I can do what I want, where ever I please, and in the manner I choose. I don't have that feeling, that sense of liberty anymore. I've learned firsthand that even when we conduct ourselves within the contours of the legal system, you and your property can still be taken and held by government actors for doing things that make some officials f