
Showing posts from January 7, 2024

Why people reach their breaking point and engage in mass shootings

Mass shootings are complex and tragic events with no single cause. While there's no simple explanation for why someone commits such an act, understanding the contributing factors can help us prevent future tragedies. Here are some key areas to consider: Individual factors: Mental health: While not all mass shooters have diagnosed mental illnesses, some may experience conditions like depression, anxiety, or psychosis. These can exacerbate existing problems and impair judgment. Personal experiences: Traumatic experiences like abuse, neglect, or violence can leave lasting scars and contribute to feelings of hopelessness and rage. Social isolation: Feeling disconnected from others and lacking a support system can increase feelings of alienation and despair. Ideological extremism: Exposure to extremist ideologies that promote violence or hatred can fuel harmful beliefs and justifications for violence. Social and environmental factors: Access to firearms: The easy availability of fi