
Showing posts from September 4, 2011

Fundamental Restructuring of the Tax Code

Michele Bachmann, John Huntsman and Sarah Palin are all saying how they'd help businesses create new jobs by lowering or eliminating corporate taxes, which would shift more of the federal revenue burden on the individuals.  They all mention a fundamental restructuring of the tax code.  I agree. But how is shifting the responsibility for generating government revenue to the individuals good for the American people? I'm running for president and I have my own plan.  It comes in two easy steps. Individual income tax came about within the last century and it's resulted in a power and wealth shift toward big business and an explosive growth of government. The fact is, the earners in this country that have the biggest need and the most to gain from lowering the federal overhead, but are the ones with the least power to influence a change, which creates a fundamental (some say fatal) flaw in the system. Money flows in a circular fashion, from manufacturers to individuals