Where was Linus when we needed him?

I don't know Linux creator Linus Torvalds, but I like him. I wish he'd been there when IBM was hunting for an operating system for their PCs. The world would have been a better place because I really believe computers wouldn't suck so much today.

I think television would've been better off if, when color technology was developed, it had been done from scratch, like HDTV. FM would have been better too, if stereo broadcasts didn't have to play to mono sets. Beta was better than VHS, cassette was better than 8-track and grandpa was a lot nicer than dad, but people sometimes tend toward choices that benefit them in the short term.

But I also think people can make new choices if they believe they can make a difference. If we vote with our feet, stop buying products from a bloated company with a bloated bottom line through bloated code -- for a while at least -- maybe the big guys will start looking at our needs as a way to a fair profit.

I'm not for a boycotts, but would it hurt to buy something Open Source this week or this month?

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