Pizza exec denied parole...for now

(Some of this information comes from a copywrited Associated Press story.)

Lawrence Vander Esch was:
- Founder and co-owner of the Pizza Ranch restaurant chain in Iowa
- Sioux County Republican Party chairman
- County treasurer.

During the summer of 2001, Vander Esch was convicted on several counts of third degree sexual abuse and sentenced to ten years.

In the late 90s, Vander Esch claimed he was authorized by UNI, ISU and the Sioux County Public Health Nurse to collect semen samples for use in "postate" cancer research.

He asked a couple of his male Pizza Ranch employees to donate their semen for fifty bucks a pop. And they took him up on it. Vander Esch would put the stuff on ice, saying he'd send it to the lab for testing. Then he'd claim the sperm count was too low and wouldn't pay the money.

The victims say they wouldn't have participated if they'd known the truth. Now they're begging the parole board not to release the predator. The board agreed and denied his parole.

It's all for naught though; the fifty-eight-year-old Vander Esch will get out of the Mount Pleasant correctional facility in six months despite the board's decision; the date's set for March of next year.

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