A "consensual stop" in West Des Moines, Iowa

A video posted under the channel name Frank Meadows shows police being scolded for stopping a man walking along a city street. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRjUt3n7Rh0)

The man, apparently walking to a Walmart in West Des Moines, Iowa, was flagged down by 2 police officers passing by in a marked patrol car. They were joined by another pair of officers shortly thereafter.

Officers Brian Ascheman and Jacob Sutton identified themselves when asked. The other two officers, Greg Warren and Clint Ray, appeared to remain silent when asked their names. Ray is the police officer who arrested Keilon Hill for harassment on October 29, 2018 while canvassing. (https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=Ox6qoW3sEFM)

In the video entitled "Harassed by West Des Moines police for walking" Meadows entered this description: "Walking out of hotel and instantly targeted by police. Thir attitude changed into smug condescension when I askef to talk to a superior officer. Smug, smug assholes."

"I didn't stop you. I asked you if you were okay," Ashman said. "Why don't you just get your sergeant here?" Meadows asked.

Meadows was openly videotaping the encounter and said he'd "kick it straight over to Vimeo as soon as we're done." At one point Ascheman ordered Meadows: "Don't put your hands in your pockets!" Meadows then offered to let the officers pat him down for weapons so they'd be "absolutely sure that you are not in any danger or fear for your life." After the pat-down Ascheman told Meadows, "Put your hands where ever you'd like."

While it's not clear how long the encounter lasted, the 2-minute, 45-second video presents a quandary: was Meadows detained by the actions of police officers? He was flagged down by police, was surrounded by 4 officers at one point, and was told not to put his hands in his pockets. On the other hand, Ascheman told Meadows repeatedly that this was a consensual encounter, was not detained, and was free to leave at any time.

When invited to leave, Meadows told the officers, "Actually I'm going to file a complaint because this is some kind of shakedown and it's bullshit." "I asked you a question, if you were okay, and you said 'yes,'" Ascheman explained. "And then you started asking me question which you had no business asking," said Meadows. "Can I not ask somebody walking down the street questions?"

"This one is going on YouTube and a couple of others," Meadows exclaimed. At the end of the video Meadows told the group of officers, "Pleasure doing business with you." "Have a good day" Officer Ascheman said.

Police Officer Brian Ascheman #229
5 years
2018 salary: $69,056.46

Police Officer Jacob Sutton #261
1 year
2018 salary: $18,871.20

Reserve Officer Greg Warren #16
11 years
2018 salary: $1 (Reserve Officers are volunteers)

Police Officer Clint Ray #234
4 years
2018 salary: $63,576.07

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