Streaming radio pitted against Pandora

As the country's most formidable broadcaster of online streaming radio -- that is the company that actually provides the network bandwidth to the stations -- releases its audience metrics, some are comparing radio to a ubiquitous music provider, a measuring stick that doesn't get to America's economic momentum.

The leading provider of local information in the US, the one that gets consumers on their daily commutes,  is radio.  There is no more relevant ad placement for local business, the very engine that pushes the US economy.  Yet analysts are suggesting that the national brand may play a more critical role for advertisers.

While that may have the potential for significant impact for national brands like Pepsi and McDonald's, Big Tomato Pizza, a Des Moines brand, would find itself drowning in a sea of clutter if it turned to Pandora for its recognition.

They say all politics is local.  While the subjects of politics and local business differ substantially, the reason is identical.  The only thing that matters to local brands is local clientele.  And the best way to reach locals is through local media.  And nobody does local media better than Clear Channel Radio and its bevy of local streamers.

In our city, the number one source of online information is the local CBS affiliate.  By chance, it happened to step up to the plate in sheer manpower from the outset of the Internet boom of the 90s.  They had the staff and resources to assign the task of producing local content.  As marketers, we recognize that the first cows to the trough are the ones best fed.  But the truth in American media is that TV is the second biggest loser when it comes to lost audiences -- right behind all things print.

The most valuable player to local businesses is radio, whether the digital product or its terrestrial counterpart.  And that's why Clear Channel is still the biggest competitor to TV in local markets.

So you may break down the comparison between Pandora and everyone else in American media all you like; you can't hide the relevance of local online streaming media powerhouse Clear Channel Radio.

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