Off the fence

Those that follow politics know that former Gov. Mitt Romney was well established as a frontrunner in the 2008 Presidential race leading the Iowa State Fair in August of 2007, by which time Law & Order star Sen. Fred Thompson had not yet announced his candidacy.

Heading into March Madness 2010, nearly all of the 2012 republican field is in place, although none are frontrunners.

The historic timeline will be drilled by talking heads over the next six months and the twelve months that follow will see regulars' eyes glaze over in rhetorical overload.  But the Ames Straw Poll is still a half year out.

So who will the players be?  Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee can't balance his TV & radio gigs with a real candidacy, so he's waiting in the wings.  Rick Santorum made his way here some months ago, but was skiddish about undertaking the role.  Sarah Palin is on the lips of many teapartiers.  Michele Bachman, Tim Pawlenty and others have streaked through the Caucus state recently.  But none have impressed the party yet.

So who's it gonna be?  Romney will fair no better this round than last.  Palin couldn't pass gas here, much less the muster it would take to win Iowa.  With Huckabee aligned with Bob Vander Plaats, he appears more concerned about stopping same-gender marriage than child rape.  It appears no one, at this point, is willing to boldly pursue the Presidency.

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