To fix the nation's problems, circle the wagons

When we see what has become of our nation and the impending crisis that faces it, we the people should take action and not wait around for the next election cycle.

The economy, the war, forced taxpayer charity, immigration issues, diminishing standard of living and inaccessible health care in this country are all related to the ineptitude of congress, who acts as agency for corporate and foreign interests instead of its constituents.

A temporary national charter mandating the legislature, executive and judicial to implement and support the following measures immediately:
  • Recall all diplomatic personnel, armed forces and materiel to US soil and ports
  • Withdraw from world financial complex
  • Eliminate Homeland Security
  • Secure all borders and waters
  • Place a moratorium on all all foreign trade and aid
  • Eliminate national income tax
  • Redesign transportation infrastructure to support universal electrified rail
  • Replace coal and petroleum derived energy with wind, solar, hydro and nuclear

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