American Power Failure!

Can I just say, "Oh my God!" When I heard Rush Limbaugh playing the blame game and turning the eastern seaboard power outage of last week into a partisan issue, it made me sick to my stomach.

I think the power companies have going one of the best games in town. They do a much needed service, providing for us the so-called comforts of home. But he who provides for our needs can certainly take away what we need, and that's just too much power for one industry to have. And don't tell me that's a partisan problem.

I think more than power companies lost a lot of steam last week. I just hope the failure did some good, that is awakened us to several of the issues that face us.

Is anyone else tired of listening to politicians bicker? Republicans want to impose religious belief on me. Democrats want to socialize the world. I hate them both equally! Fact is, democrats and republicans alike want more than anything to be elected into power without regard for the good of the people. Corporate America wants to get more and more of consumers' paychecks and will buy politicians to get it. Borders will not be protected because democrats want immigrant votes and republicans need the low wages. Health care will never be affordable if insurance lobbies continue to exist.

We all know "drunk driving" is a real problem in America. Everyone, it seems, looks to the 'drunk' part of the equation and fails to understand the huge impact mere 'driving' has on public health & safety and energy issues. While we know driving is a privilege, our society treats the function like a Constitutional right, akin to liberty and freedom. That's a load of crap. Infrastructure is one of the few elements of our society that should be standardized by the federal government, and it should be done through technology, driven by safety and efficiency.

People are human, and humans are not well suited to manage very complicated traffic considerations, such as road conditions, flow and weather. Our brains are not equipped to take in all the information needed to be safe and efficient with multi-ton equipment on busy roads. It's a scientific fact.

And bigger is not better. Jets, trains and busses keep getting bigger; bull’s eye more prominently affixed thereto. They have, are and will always be targets for terrorist attacks. Small vehicles, evenly spread, are not.

The whole transportation infrastructure needs a major overhaul, and quickly. Isn't it time to start turning the corner here? Isn't it time for America to demonstrate leadership in the world and introduce a state-of-the-art transportation model that can work everywhere?

Education is a hot button issue too. Why? Because tax payers don't get their money's worth. All it takes is a few good leaders to do the right thing here. Stop taking bribes and start paying attention to the needs of the kids. Schools should be guarded and monitored by more parents and fewer police and administrators. Bigger is not better. More schools in more and smaller multi-use structures. Air conditioning is not a must. Bussing is not a given. Extra-curricular activities should not be subsidized by taxes. Teaching kids comes first, and should be conducted by those best suited and not chosen through arbitrary, political standards.

Don't get me started on free trade and the border issues. When American companies recruit illegal aliens onto American soil though such porous, we're going to have problems with living wages and national security.

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