Israel attacks the US

Got your attention, didn't I?  What's this about?  In June, 1967, during the Six Day War, Israeli war planes attacked and nearly sunk a US spy ship staffed with NSA intelligence gathering personnel. 
Israel calls the attack a horrible accident; a case of mistaken identity. Survivors and conspiracy theorists say that's a load of crap. 
You decide.  I'll deliberately leave out my viewpoint in all this, and instead suggest you read what's being
written about the incident.  Do your own Google searches and read the words on the web sites on the two
sides and make up your own mind.  Here are some links in no particular

Here's one scenario of what might have happened:

A zealous LBJ wanted to do right by Israel, since just 19 years prior, the US had sponsored Israel's very statehood, and he knew in advance of their plans to spank surrounding enemies who'd sworn to push the Jews into the ocean. LBJ nods in blind approval and vows he will know nothing of it. LBJ figured it would be ugly, but he didn't have to know unpleasant details of the gore. But he would later be shocked, for his own people would pay with their lives and dignity for LBJ's wink of an eye.

During this spanking, Israeli leadership learn there's a US intelligence ship lying quietly just 19 miles off the coast, watching the whole bloody mess unfold (like the execution of
Egyptians in an Israeli firing squad). Israel is slightly dismayed (a sentiment LBJ will soon share) at the NSA intrusion, and so tries to sink the snoopy ship to silence it.

It was a knee-jerk response and not well planned, but it had to be done. They'd do damage control and spin a tail of mistaken identity later, but right now, stopping Liberty is priority or there could be a very large audience and a paper trail of evidence against them.

So, despite that Israeli Air Force war plane pilots could plainly see what they were doing, orders to destroy Liberty are delivered and carried out, as dutiful warriors must, without question.

And what could LBJ say? He's all but fighting the Egyptians alongside the Israelis. How could he defend Liberty and not take action against Israel's air force? He had no choice. He had to turn a blind eye to the slaying of his own countrymen or burn in hell for not protecting the chosen ones. It would take generations to repair the damage on Israel's world status if the world knew the truth -- at least the official truth.

So, while commanders of the sixth fleet were sending warplanes to defend Liberty, LBJ turns them back.

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