Ringless voicemail coming to a phone near you

It’s not enough that the race to the White House is a billion-dollar industry unto itself, if business & political interests have a say (and they always do) you'll soon be inundated by a sea of unblockable voicemails aimed at leveraging cash & votes for all manner of elected office -- under purported free speech guise, no less.

A political party wants to circumvent long standing telco conventions, the "do not call" list, U.S. law, spam filters, and frankly common decency, in order to foist marketing robo-call voicemails, en masse, into your phone, without it even ringing. It’s called “ringless voicemail” and this isn’t the first time it’s come up.

Get this. They’re saying it’s not disruptive because there’s no ring.

The tactic is of course being sought to raise money for their election campaigns and to placate business interests. Politicians have conveniently written themselves legal exceptions to rules others have to follow, and they’re suggesting the FCC carve out a ruling that clears the way for this new way to quietly force themselves into your life.

It’s yet another example of the privileged class putting their own interests above all others, at the expense, and to the dismay of the people who elected them.

You might have thought you had a right to be left alone, but the commercialized political machine is performing some clever acrobatics with the Bill of Rights and logic & reason by threatening the FCC with this bizarre rationale: “The Commission should tread carefully so as not to burden constitutionally protected political speech without a compelling interest."

Sadly for marketers voicemail is on the decline as a common mode of messaging, and forced stealth voicemail will likely speed up its extinction. People who actually know one another are increasingly more likely to use SMS or social media to reach out to each other.


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