Three excuses for not using online video

One of my marketing mentors, Drew McLellan of McLellan Marketing Group in Des Moines, has always been very open about making your marketing successful, and in his recent column he shares one that caught my eye: Stop Making These Three Excuses for Not Making Videos.

As a thirty-year radio vet, I've been shooting online videos for a fraction of that time, but I do because I recognize the value in putting it to work.  I don't shoot the high-end pieces or create animations, but I do like clean, well lit videos that are easy to understand -- someplace in between the glossy agency presentations and Flipcam-style quickies.

Drew's warning go directly to the objections business owners often use that stop them from using videos before they even get started.  I encourage you to read the article and see if you've used any of these objections and what you should consider to overcome them.

Why is this important?  Here are a few facts he relays and a few of my own.  Drew says 88-million people watch videos online, including executives and they represent upwards of nearly half of all internet traffic.  I'm aware that YouTube reached a compelling milestone a few years ago in become the #2 search engine, behind Google.  All forms of research is done with online videos, from reviewing products to solving home repair issues.

There are virtues of increasing your exposure and building an audience through consistent and long term marketing strategies, but there's a huge lift to your brand when you let your most satisfied customers speak candidly about their positive experiences doing business with you.  Many marketers will tell you the most compelling commercial is a testimonial.

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