CF City Council to residents: Hand over the keys!

The city council of Cefar Falls, Iowa is on its second of three readings before it casts a final vote on a law that requires commercial properties to supply keys to the city government.  It's my understanding that the revised ordinance may also require owners of residential rental property to also provide access.

Not having the ordinance in front of me and not being a constitutional scholar, it's hard for me to pass judgment, but I was stunned watching council meeting highlights.  It leaves me wondering from where they think they get the power to control the citizens, for whom it works.

Handing over your keys seems like giving wholesale compulsory consent, implied forfeiture of liberty.  It's CF residents'  & business owners' job to call BS on this.

One of the council members said, "The merits of an idea do not depend on the number of people who hold that idea".  I agree with this, which is why our founders decided against a democracy where we're all indentured to a misinformed majority and where mob rules apply.

I whole-heartedly disagree with the councilman who said "[the council has] the right..."  No.  The council has a responsibility to the people; in a constitutional republic the people have a right to have their interests represented by the elected body, and it shall consider and respect the reasonable will of the people.  The council's will, for the sake of convenience, should not trump the will of the people.

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