It's over for Hillary

Once Indiana and North Carolina were tallied up, Obama firmly positioned himself as McCain's opponent -- not Clinton's.

Never the less, Hillary continues to act as though she has a fighting chance.

Does she know something the rest of us are missing? Do the Clintons have an ace in the hole they haven't brought out yet? Is there a gotcha moment in Obama's near-term future?

Doesn't appear so. The supers are all lining up behind Obama and it's pretty much a sealed deal. In fact, she's done all the damage she can do to the party, as long as Obama continues to fix sights of MacCain and stays clear of mixing it up with Clinton, and it's really her own position that will falter as she continues to fight this losing battle.

And when you look at McCain's abortion flip and add that to his scam healthcare plan, I think he's washed out too.

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