Allen Bishop show notes

The Allen Bishop Show
Monday, May 26, 2008 - Memorial Day

killer twisters rip through Oklohoma and Iowa this weekend.


You may remember I predicted Obama would claim victory as his party's presidential nomination. Well, he made the trip to Iowa last week to bring his nomination fight to, symbolically, do just that.

Defending staying in the race, Clinton brings up the June '68 RFK assasination in California. Media feeding frenzy ensues & predictions are that she spends the rest of her Presidential run on the defense. She has one hope left; that something terrible will happen to Obama before the convention.

Obama & McCain will exchange barbs through November. But neither have a sustainable healthcare plan, effective economic package or a realistic foreign policy.

Ron Paul nailed healthcare, saying we don't have free market medicine (or government medicine), but soft fascist or corporate healthcare -- which needs to yesterday. Paul also understands the currency crisis; problems with fighting an undeclared war and he knows the constitution.

Bush Attack Dog Karl Rover had guts appearing on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. He's accused in playing a role in Attorney-gate, the firing of select US Attorneys who didn't play ball with the White House, and dozens of other throat-cutting missions for the neo-cons. He's also accused of corruption in the railroading of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. Now Fido (Rove) is under Congressional subpoena to appear on these matters, but he's hiding under executive privilege. Rove says the matter of subpoenas will be faught and decided in court. He says he heard about the Don Siegelman indictment, read about it, learned about it for the first time by reading about it in the newspaper.

Why is it that you never see clips from MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Deamworks or shows like Comedy Central's The Daily Show? Little lawsuit between Google's YouTube and Viacom is most likely. To the tune of a Billion Dollars. Google said YouTube was faithful to the requirements of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, saying the federal law was intended to protect companies like YouTube as long as they responded properly to content owners' claims of infringement. Viacom said YouTube consistently allows unauthorized copies of popular television programming and movies to be posted on its Web site and viewed tens of thousands of times, that it identified more than 150,000 unauthorized clips of copyrighted programming — including "SpongeBob SquarePants," "South Park" and "MTV Unplugged" episodes and the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" — that had been viewed "an astounding 1.5 billion times." And that only scratches the surface. And furthermore, Viacom says making available a vast library of the copyrighted works of plaintiffs and others is the cornerstone of defendants' business plan," Viacom said.

iPhone's newest firmware is expected to possess geo-tagging function. That is, adds location data to a photos & other media files. While a GPS receiver is not present in the current iPhone, it is expected to be part of an upcoming 3G iPhone. However, the current iPhone can approximate a user's location by triangulating with cell phone towers.

18 years have paassed since the last Indiana Jones movie. The first three were gritty, sweaty and tactile and everything onscreen physically existed. But Crystal Skull is mostly present in the digital realm.

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