Epson Scanner Issue

Marian Boury writes:

I bought a Gateway computer 1 1/2 years ago when the XP was first out. At
that time I also bought an Epson Perfection 1250 scanner. Every time I want to
copy something, I get an error message that the scanner is not connected. At
first I thought it was my kitten that had been laying on the cords, but I have
fixed it so he can't do that and I still get the error message. After I pull out
the cord and reconnect it, it works fine (unless I have many, many pages to

Also, I have to copy using the color button or the pages are reduced to less
than 1/4 the size of the page and I can't find anywhere in the book to change it
so it is full sized.

Help, Please!


My sense (from the reviews I've read) is that you've got yourself an inexpensive
and buggy scanner. I recommend:

  • Download the latest drivers for the scanner. Uninstall the old ones before
    installing new.

  • Make sure you're current with Windows Update.

  • Contact Epson and/or Gateway for help.

I did a

Google search
and found over 10,000 web sites. This won't fix your problem,
but it's interesting nonetheless to hear what bad things people are saying about
this scanner.

Good luck!


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