Pink slime saga will not end well for producers
I've lived in Iowa all my life and I owe it to the agriculture community a measure of gratitude for sustaining an economy here so that I can be gainfully employed my entire adult life. But should that mean I can't speak openly about the elephant in the room? Would I be a bad Iowan if I was critical of its producers? Listen to any politician or company or industry communication director and you're going to hear some one-sided dialog. But as an ordinary resident, that's not my job. As an individual I have a right to take the available information and assess it with as much critical thinking as I can muster on a given day and form an opinion about it. Unfortunately it's well known that the industries see their jobs as managing public perception through spin in the name of sustaining our economy here. As a lifelong Iowan, I've long known you don't ask what's in a hot dog. I've long known that hamburger consists of about the lowest grade meat i...