
It seems like everyone has an endorsement proclamation to share, so I decided I wanted one too.

Mine is simple and based on something rational, for a change, like the rule of law.  And in order to restore the rule of law, we need leaders focused on limiting government to only the powers permitted under this nation's charter.

We have been drawn so far from these core American values that they seem radical, naive, dangerous and idealistic by today's standards. But returning to these standards must be our aim if we are to preserve this republic.

Foreign Policy
It was never the founders' conception that the US government would intervene in matters of other sovereign nations.  We know that doing so causes unintended blowback.  One example came to us in 1967 during the six day war, when Israel blasted the USS Liberty, a ship sent to the Sinai  Peninsula on a listening mission.  Candidates who demonize non-interventionism, characterizing it as isolationism, either don't understand history or they fully understand, but count on your ignorance to get away with it.  Wanting to withdraw standing armies deployed overseas is not naive or dangerous, but necessary to restore America's dignity in world affairs.  Denying foreign countries' access to our earnings is not disrespectful toward our supposed foreign allies, but an equitable human rights policy inside our borders.

Domestic Policy
Rejecting federal interference in states' sovereignty is completely proper.  Restoring sanity in monetary policy is critical to America's common welfare and failing to do so is a national security crisis.  It's immoral for the US to embark on policies that cause suffering on entire segments of our population.  To create laws that are tantamount to racist is repulsive.  Federal regulation of marriage and medicine is an indignity on families and individuals that cannot be allowed to persist.

There's only one candidate that will resist entering the homes and pocketbooks of American families, whose aim is to put a leash on federal reach, and seek to bring costs of government back to a rational level.

The only candidate with the integrity and honor to hold the office of President of the United States of America is Dr. Ron Paul, the Republican Representative from Texas.  I urge you to help me restore America to its former prestige by participating in caucusing and voting for candidates for all elected offices in this country that hold firm the principles I've outlined above, beginning with Dr. Paul.

Beware of detractors like Newt Gingrich who use inflammatory tactics to paint Dr. Paul in a poor light.  They say he will not be the nominee because he is for the legalization of drugs; he blames 9/11 on America; he thinks it doesn't matter if Iran gets nuclear weapons; he seems totally unwilling to defend Israel; he basically came out for the abolition of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; he can't defend and won't take responsibility for his own newsletter, even when they have very negative, very destructive things in them.  Newt is conning people into voting for him.  It doesn't take much research to see through each of these cheap tactics he is using.

Let's face it, if you say you believe in the federal government staying out of states' rights, then you will be accused of supporting the legalization of whatever the federal government had been improperly regulating.  If you say the government should not intervene in certain foreign matters, then you are for the destruction of our allies.  If you criticize a popular government program whose very existence is unconstitutional, then you're too radical.  The irony here is that every other candidate will spit on the very doctrine many of them have already sworn to uphold.  That tells me that in American politics today, if you truly honor America, you'll be vilified by the establishment.

I would love to see Mr. Gingrich to lay his finger on that part of the Constitution that properly lays down the power for our government to legally prevent Iran from developing weapons of its choosing.  I want to know where Newt thinks the federal government gets its authority to supersede a state's right to regulate plant-life.

In reality the Republican Party has become a bastardized version of itself.  Its members used to purport to want to stop overreaching policies that facilitated welfare programs aimed at subsidizing individuals or subsets of society, and instead encouraged volunteerism, philanthropy and the good will of fellow citizens.  This compulsory charity is now so engrained in our system that it takes radical thinkers to remind us what the charter we celebrate every Fourth of July actually says.  This new version of American politics preys on the ignorance of its citizens to leverage personal gain and advance illegal policies that cause suffering within its populous.

We should ignore pundits who try to replace your intelligence with their propaganda, polling data and social engineering efforts.  We should be less concerned about who is electable and more proactive about what this country needs most right now.  Let's get together and start coming up with similar answers to the most important questions facing America today.  Let's fire the establishment and bring equitable change to this beloved republic.  We must not sit on the sidelines for yet another election cycle.

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