
Missing Keith and the Girl

It's almost 1 AM CST, making it almost 2 in New York. So, where's my new episode of Keith and the Girl? How disappointed was I? I had to listen to Dawn & Drew. Keith and the Girl

Sometimes you just have a really bad day.. - Yahoo! News

Doesn't it happen to us all once in a while?

West Wing Goes South

Two renditions of CSI and no West Wing? Two and a Half Men comes in at number 16, but Sorkin's baby not among the hot 16 TV shows in the November sweeps? Desperate Friggin Housewives, for chrissake!!?? NBC doesn't even show up in the top 12 shows! Prime-Time Nielsen Ratings - Yahoo! News

Oprah: The Anti-hump

It made for good follies, but looks like the fun may be over. Although I'll believe it when I see it, Oprah finally finds her sense of humor and agrees to appear on Letterman. Letterman finally gets Oprah to return - Yahoo! News

Accidental X Nearly Incites Internet Riots

Adolescence abounds Monday following the accidental airing of a cue marker during CNN's airing of VP Cheney's live speech. Can we get more childish? CNN explains 'X' glitch over Dick Cheney's face - Yahoo! News

Internet Ad Revenue Reaches $3.1B

Internet-related ad revenues reached an all-time high of $3.1 billion in September, 2005. --Interactive Advertising Bureau According to Nielsen NetRatings, in September AOL had 51.5 million users, MSN Messenger 27.3 million and Yahoo Messenger 21.9 million. AOL Delivers Next-Generation AIM - Yahoo! News

Smells Like Lindows

Okay, here's your chance: get a $300 PC with Linspire, a Linus OS, and kiss Bill goodbye. Makes you nervous, doesn't it? The fact that Linux now has 2.5% of the OS marketshare makes Microsoft nervous too. Judging from Apple's relative success and Windows' more than 20-year-lead time, I think Linux is doing quite well. It's almost ready-for-prime-time! Linux Gets Some Retail Respect - Yahoo! News