
Saving Iowa's One-Room Schoolhouses

The Iowa Historic Preservation Alliance is presenting a two-day conference at the Spencer school admin offices (23 E 7th St) Oct. 3 & 4, where several speakers will be on hand for presentations, including a cartoonist/author and a university professor. A tour of museum schools in Clay, Dickinson and Buena Vista counties will be held Saturday. For details, email Bill Sherman or call (800) 434-2039.

RIAA and Mediacom

Mediacom, Des Moines' cable Internet provider, has to date, received 6 subpoenas on behalf of the RIAA for identity information on its users' downloading of copyright protected music on peer-to-peer networks, such as Kazaa. Whether Mediacom succumbs to the requests is really irrelevant. In many cases, if you buy it, you own it lock, stock and barrel. You have the right to screw with it, tinker with it, destroy it, or improve it however you see fit -- provided you don't hurt anyone or cause damage to anyone else's property in the process. At least that's what we hope is the case. If you buy a CD, you own the CD. It's a bona fide contract between you and the seller. It's the same with any product. But if you reproduce it and sell it and make money on the venture, you are stealing someone else's hard work for profit. I doubt any reasonable person diagrees with that. But that's not what this is about, and I think most people grasp that.

Home Energy Panel

Experts in the industry are predicting double and triple utility bills this winter.  This is cause for great concern for all of us, but the expected high energy prices will devastate people in the lowest income ranges.  As a public service to our community, The Wise Guys would like to invite a panel of experts to do a special show on improving the efficiency of homes, both for existing structures and new construction. The panel We have invited Brian Leech of Alger-Leechman Heating & Cooling to be on the panel, as well as the a PR spokesman for MidAmerican Energy.  We'll also invite a builder to come on and join us.  We'll address several issues in our forum: What can consumers do to improve efficiency? What can builders do to improve efficiency? What can heating and cooling professionals do to improve efficiency? Are there incentive programs to make it possible for home owners to spend money on improving the efficiency of their homes?

Ten Commandments Judge Suspended

Alabama's Chief Justice Roy Moore has been suspended as a result of disobeying an order from a higher court. The order was to remove the Ten Commandments monument he had placed his court house. According to court documents, Moore was twice offered opportunities to stay the removal order and take the issue to the US Supreme Court, but the judge refused to follow established court rules and failed in any hopes to do so. When Judge Moore finally made the appropriate request, it was simply too late, and the higher court subsequently rejected such filings. We hear heated discussions on the church-state separation issue, but this point comes down to following established guidelines. In two conference calls, members of the US District Court asked Moore if he wanted to have the order stayed; to take it to the US Supreme Court, but Moore declined. In arguing for keeping the monument in the court house, a few are suggesting that we look to the strongly held religious beliefs of the

Bullet-proof your email

So you're back online after another vicious attack on your computer.  You're sick of all the troubles you've been having.  How are you going to prevent this kind of this from happening again?  Consider using an email program that is nearly virus proof, like Pine, a text-based program that composes and displays text email, which is, after all, what email was intended to be. Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express are huge targets for attackers because they're hugely popular (Outlook express comes with every new Windows computer) and because there are so many features to exploit.  Don't get me wrong.  The features Microsoft build into their software help make using it easy and pleasant -- for the most part.  But remember that the more bells and whistles you build into a program, there more places there are for breakage (and expoits) to occur. Old-school computer users sit back and chuckle at all the troubles people have with their fancy-schmancy, graphic

Gateways vs. Access Points

Some time ago, I had an occasion to set up a wireless network for some friends.  They had a broadband connection to the Internet through a cable modem provided by Mediacom and two desktop computers.  I suggested they buy an 802.11b gateway and 802.11b cards for each computer they wanted connected. After installing and connecting all the hardware they bought, each computer seemed to be able to connect to the Internet fine, and we were able to do some file and print sharing between them.  But it all wasn't fine.  I quickly discovered that the computers could surf the net, but not at the same time.  It is then that I discovered that they'd purchased an access point and not a gateway. A wireless access point does one thing.  It broadcasts a single RJ-45 jack to multiple wireless network cards.  It merely provides direct connectivity to the public.  In this case, the public network sees all the computers connected.  This is a problem because Mediacom (and many other

Wireless home networking update:

Lots of people assume that you need broadband (cable or DSL modem) to have wireless networking.  Not so.  You can still use your single dialup connection and share it with all users on your home or office network.  But there are a few complications, including slower surfing and downloading. In order to share dial up internet, you need to have a modem doing the dialing.  There are a number of ways to get dialup internet into your network, but none are all that common, or even very easy: A dedicated server , such a Linux computer with a modem and a network card.  This machine will act as a gateway between the Internet and your local network.  Whenever someone tries to get on the net, the server will make a dialup connection.  You can also use it as a file and print server.  The advantages here are that can be very che