Christian group: Think you might be gay? Stay out of the Boy Scouts!

A group sponsored by the out-of-state National Christian Foundation of Tampa, Florida held a rally in Des Moines Friday in an effort to convince Iowa BSA delegates to vote to deny youth who think they might be gay from joining the religious organization. The ban on openly gay scout leaders will not be affected by the organizational referendum.

Demonstrators for N.C.F. held placards in front of news cameras that read, "NO ON THE RESOLUTION -"

First of all, it's an ugly notion that a personal development group for American youth would ostracize and categorically oust one of its 8-year-old members after admitting to a mentor that he thinks he might be gay. How the hell does that work and how can it be rationalized?

Fortunately Channel 13 was on the ground sniffing out the truth. They inform us that the Boy Scouts of America will be voting next week on whether to maintain the ban and produced an unnamed spokesperson for N.C.F. (possibly Scott Russell), who said, "Unfortunately I don't want my troop turning into a battle ground for the gay agenda. I'd just as soon to keep sex and politics out of boy scouts."

It's absurd that a professional religious activist whose actions scream classic politics says he wants to keep sex and politics out of scouting when sadly he thinks people are stupid enough to accept his bigoted reduction of the issue, that if local scout leaders vote yes, they'll somehow be condoning tent sex parties among little boys.

B.S.A. Mid-Iowa Council spokesperson Bob Hopper was less radical: "We have a set of ethics that we try to hold up to all of our members and we're going to keep focused on that. Um. But it's a real sensitive topic, and-uh, from all the perspectives, and we're going to do the best we can."

Let's hope "ethics" isn't Hopper's code word for anti-gay, that he does in fact support youth development without regard for a child's personal sexual orientation.

The story also cited famed Zach Wahls, an Eagle Scout who founded Scouts for Equality, saying simply that "discrimination has no place in scouting." A supporting graphic showed that Wahl's group has the support of 6,821 openly gay Eagle scouts and has obtained 1,815,304 signatures on a petition in support of the policy change.

While the domain ONMYHONOR.NET is registered anonymously, the website states; "Donate to The OnMyHonor.Net Fund!...mail your donation to c/o National Christian Foundation, PO Box 22774, Tampa, FL 33622"

It's more than a little unsettling that a religious fundamentalist mob out of Tampa, Florida adorns the ubiquitous scout uniform, buses radical members to Iowa and pretends to speak for our scouting organizations -- and creates an illusion that sexual deviance is sure to result if we don't go along with their sick, twisted hate agenda.

As we now know, the far greater threat is scout leaders who regard raping little boys at the Jamboree an annual sport.

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