CC weighs in on satellite radio merger

Sirius and XM Satellite Radio have been working on a merger, which has the attention of terrestrial broadcasters like Clear Channel Radio, who is aggressively marketing digital radio (HD Radio), which places hybrid digital layers over regular AM & FM frequencies.

In an FCC filing, Clear Channel suggests a few concessions should the merger be permitted, so that competition between local broadcasters and satcasters can be preserved:

The satcaster should set aside portions of its channels over-the-air and public interest programming; subscribe to decency rules; not broadcast local content; not receive monies from local advertising; and that it build-in HD Radio receivers to each of its units so subscribers are provided a choice between subscription-based and free, over-the-air programming.

Without these concessions, the merged companies would have an unfair, dominant market position and could conceivably strike exclusive deals with car makers and effectively shut out free, over-the-air radio.

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