A closer look at file sharing lawsuit
The Grokster case shed much needed light on the Betamax case, in which VCR makers were shielded from liability when users broke the law.
Grokster only lost that protection because there was compelling evidence that the software maker actually encouraged illegal sharing of protected materials. Authors of file sharing programs who practice a minimal amount of prudence appear to be unaffected by the ruling.
Betmax -- like the phone company before it -- claimed they could not be held responsible for content because it was up to the end users to obey intillectual property laws; or not, as the case may be. The government agrees.
USATODAY.com - Despite reports, Grokster decision is a win for file sharing
Grokster only lost that protection because there was compelling evidence that the software maker actually encouraged illegal sharing of protected materials. Authors of file sharing programs who practice a minimal amount of prudence appear to be unaffected by the ruling.
Betmax -- like the phone company before it -- claimed they could not be held responsible for content because it was up to the end users to obey intillectual property laws; or not, as the case may be. The government agrees.
USATODAY.com - Despite reports, Grokster decision is a win for file sharing