
Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's

Click to Play Deep Blue Something set to play at People's Court in Des Moines tonight, but first they hit Capital 106.3's Studio C and play a couple familiar songs.  This one's Breakfast At Tiffany's, which got a lot of local airplay following its '96 release.  It hit #1 in the UK and #5 on this side of the pond.

Spam Blog?

I'm not sure how they decide this at Google, but they tell me this " has characteristics of a spam blog..." Interesting. The company also told me my adsense account could hurt their advertisers -- without divulging why they think that.

Romney update

Considering Gov. Romney bowed out of the Presidential race and I don't have the resources to take the fight to an out-of-state Federal Court, I let this go and I have been informed that the video has been restored to the Governor's YouTube account.

Free Advertising

It's possible to get advertising that doesn't require a cash buy. Not that it's completely free, but more so than the "buy one get one free" and "after mail-in rebate" offers. Many of the local half price deal offers put on by radio and TV stations allow you to exchange marketing for gift certificates. If you can afford to issue a few thousand in high-interest product, you can get some airtime without jumping through the traditional billing hoops. But use caution here. Inasmuch as nothing's really free, this can be costly to you and your core customer base if such as offer would stretch your resources -- or you don't have the ability to perform as promised.

Romney-Mickelson video pulled from YouTube

click here to download On August 2, 2007, Gov. Romney did a radio interview at the WHO Radio studio in Des Moines. I videotaped the 20 minute visit and made it available to the station for its web site. A few hours later, Romney spokesman Tim Albrecht (Iowa communications director for the campaign) called me and insisted that the video be taken down immediately. His reasoning? At a point during a commercial break on the radio, the host uttered, "While we're off the air". Albrecht suggested what followed should have been treated as off-the-record and therefore the camcorder shouldn't have been recording or that portion shouldn't have been used. Hardly off the record The control room had men standing three abreast, plus the producer sitting at a console, who could all hear the off-air exchange. In the studio with the governor was at least two people with the campaign, plus the host and myself, again, listening to the conversation. No reasonable person could

Chris Bernheisel - photos

Click to Play Chris Bernheisel of Fremont, Nebraska entering the Ultimate Carrie Underwood Fan / American Idol contest. This version includes photos he submitted with his entry. Courtesy of (Kiss 107 FM), Des Moines, Iowa.

Viacom v. YouTube

A win for YouTube changes the political climate in Google's favor, meaning new legislation would probably follow public favor, which the lawsuit would promote for the sharing of public domain content. Furthermore, in simple terms, once aired, content is (or damn well ought to be) public domain. So it follows that YouTube's sharing model falls under fair use of such content. The Radio Commission (today's FCC) established two things that matter here. First, that the public owns the airwaves; and 2, that the phone company couldn't possibly be able to monitor (and be accountable for) the content that flowed through its privately owned copper (although it uses public rights of way). This is what I believe is the underpinning of Safe Harbor; that you can't hold a media company accountable for everything its pass through its network. Safe Harbor may only be possible because it permits copyright owners to object to content if it owns it, and subsequently get it removed