
Mickelson, Friday, August 13

John Hanson from the Iowa Concrete Association talks about energy savings of concrete construction. Newt Gingrich on "Winning the Future". More nonsense with Suzy.

Novak swears, walks off CNN set

Wholly bullshit, Batman! James Carville and Bob Novak got into a bit of a tif Thursday while contributing to CNN's Inside Politics alongside host Ed Henry. The conversation turned to US Senate hopeful Katherine Harris and how newspapers retouched photos of her, to which Novak claimed he'd be defamed in just such a way. Carville couldn't wait to pounce, asking, "which paper"? Enter the CNN transcript: HENRY: And the "Strategy Session" continues on INSIDE POLITICS. Still here: James Carville and Robert Novak. Katherine Harris made a name for her self during the Florida recount in the 2000 presidential race. She was then Florida's secretary of state. She went on to the House of Representatives. Now she wants to move over to the United States Senate. Today she got the news that the speaker of the Florida House won't challenge her for the Republican nomination. In the meantime, Harris is blaming unnamed newspapers for tarnishing her image by doctoring

Mickelson Wednesday 8/3

Newsradio 1040 WHO Des Moines : "What to do about Iowa panhandlers? What a terrible job. Hard Currency salesman Craig Smith says we are awash in debt...a bad sign. The President thinks it's time to permit intelligent design to be taught along side Darwinism. Jay Richards from the Discovery Institute agrees."

Mickelson Tuesday 8/2

Local artistry? Or local graffitti? Huh? Then a local immigration activist, Christian Ucles, with a plea for the middle ground.

Mickelson Monday 8/1

Are Iowans honest enough to support the Constitution? Then, from Tama County Assistant Attorney, Richard Vander Mey, challenges the "sovereign" nation status of the Meskwakies.

Sound-byte World

Kind of a cool thing for the layman of the world: Sound-byte World

Mickelson Friday

Jonathan Narcisse is thinking about running for school board. His 10 point plan to fix the mess. Then, one of the screen writers for Spielberg's, War of the Worlds" says he meant the Martian attackers to symbolize the American military in Iraq. Really.