
Rod & Rochelle, Web gurus! Rod Anderson and Rochelle Bunett began as competitors, both with their own unique strengths.  They eventually found that they could do better if they put their different skills together under one company.  This is the beginning of " netIMAGE group ".
Author Brian Nichelson 'TAMING TECHNOLOGY; YOU CAN CONTROL THE BEAST", Cameo Publications, Inc.  Brian simplifies the hi-tech pieces of your world (cars, VCRs, computers, etc.) so anyone can face it without stress.  We'll talk to him at 11am this Saturday.  Visit the TechMatters Institute web site for more information about Brian and his book
Vinyl2MP3 There are a ton of downloads at Lockergnome that will help in the project. Get a turntable with line level outputs. If you have a magnetic cartridge, then you'll need a phono pre-amp to turn that low audio level into a true line level. These are available on older-style consumer amps, receivers pre-amps and deejay mixers. Get a cable that connects your turntable (usually two RCA connectors) to your computer's sound card (usually an 1/8th inch stereo mini plug) --- or use adaptors that match the cables/connectors you have. Get recording software (use Cool edit 2000 or one of the downloads from the link above). Power everything up, start recording and start the record. Have fun!
Listener email: Carol in Des Moines writes: I hope I can remember to listen to your program! I usually catch it when I'm in the car. I am dreaming of buying a new computer. I noticed that the top few of the top 15 are powered by Athalon instead of Pentium. Is that better and faster than Pentium? I've been looking at Gateway and Dell and neither offer them. I'll try to remember to listen!  Thanks! Hi Carol, AMD processors are very comparable to and competitive with Intel's offerings. My next computer will not be a name brand, factory built machine. But it will have name brand parts and software, such asRedhat, AMD, nVidia, Western Digital and Teac. I'll have it built by a local shop, get a faster, more stable computer for the same money, about $1,200 with extra RAM and better video. --Danny
Here are some links for the 5/31 show. You don't Know Dick Finding Nemo Speaking Bostonian Which Matrix Character are you?
On the May 31st "Wise Guys" show... A11:00 AM -- Brian Nichelson, Author of Taming Technology; You Can Tame The Beast , was to discuss his three maxims that will enable anyone to get okay with al the confusing, hi-tech stuff in peoples' lives.  He had some issues and couldn't join us, but he will be on hand for the June 7 gathering. Noon -- Rod Anderson, Certified Web Developer, and Rochelle Burnett, both of Net Image Group , will be here right after Paul Harvey news.  We'll pick his brain about web site development. The Wise Guys are on Saturdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on 1040 WHO, Des Moines, Iowa.